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Spring training, 1940
Wonderful serve!
Bell Telephone System, 1958
Mrs. Taxi-Driver, 1941
Revere Copper and Brass, 1940
The Universe, circa 1940
Schlitz with food and fun and sun!
Playtime's largest-selling beer!
Leisure's light refresher!
Haddon Sundblom, 1948
Orange Crush, 1959
S.O.S, 1956
Pepto-Bismol, 1947
Cooking Outdoors?
Same question
Pepsi picnic, 1951
Pepsi on the patio, 1959
A question for Dad
Motorola X-14, 1960
Family picnic, 1960
The Sociables, 1960
Operation X-500 Defense Base
Operation X-500 Rocket Launcher
The wonderful world of 28 flavors
Leisure's Light Refresher
The new Super Chief!
Santa Fe El Capitan
The Voice of the Atom
Feast Freeze, 1965?
Santa Fe Chief, 1947
Bohn Aluminum, 1947
Make mine orange juice
The Meat Lady, 1958
This Is For Keeps, 1946
Meet Mohara, 1946
Toast N Jamboree, 1950
American Meat Institute, 1947
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
Hart Schaffner & Marx, 1956
Deliciously Yours!
The happy wanderers
Burgers in a can, 1945
On the Road, 1954
A boy and his hoe
Zero to 60 in 33
At the depot, 1933
Rumble seat rumblings
Any way you slice it
Swanson TV Dinner, 1956
Peas, corn and roast beef
The Life of Riley, 1945
Memorial Shoreway East, 1960
The Joy of Good Eating, 1953
The Boy of Good Eating, 1952
Love me Tenderoni
Every picnic a frolic