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Better baking through chemistry
Coke through the glass
Trans World Airlines, 1952
American as apple pie
My wife's accident made me happy
Perfect Circle
Coke in Cuba
General Electric, 1952
Johnson & Johnson, 1950
Betsy Bell, 1961
Zenith Cobra-Matic
Texaco Dalmatians
DuMont Telesets, 1950
Ask for the Stetson Playboy
United Airlines 1952
Coca-Cola 1952
RCA Anniversary Model
Your Meat Team
Life Savers Only 5¢
Seiberling Tires
Celanese lends a hand
Carrier Air Conditioning
Sylvania Light Bulbs
Havoline Motor Oil
Family Circle, 1953
More power to the people
United Air Lines, 1952
Candy in Cellophane, 1958
The car phone circa 1958
Philco Predicta Television, 1958
Dick Sargent for Grape-Nuts
National City Bank, 1953
Mathieson Chemical, 1953
Sealy mattresses, 1958
Hamilton Washers, 1956
Textron Glo-Gabardine, 1949
Arrow Linesman shirts, 1949
American-Standard kitchen sinks
Gulf Refining, 1814-1934
Republic Steel, 1934
Mallory Hats, 1956
Admiral Hi-Fi, 1957
Pall Mall cigarettes, 1959
Fritos Cooking Ideas 1957
Fritos BBQ Tips 1957
The Cheese That Refreshes