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From 1957: Design No. 7507
Bungalow with carport: No. 7509
Armstrong Floors, 1954
Hi-Fi Storage Unit, 1956
Royelle Linoleum, Style 1516
Television room, William Pahlmann
The Pink Family Room
Raybelle Linoleum, Surfray No. 80
Starfire Group by Kroehler, 1957
KenFlex Cotillion, Bazaar, Operetta
Weirzin bathroom by Marvin Culbreth
The Vinyl Boudoir
True Vinyl bathroom in Citron
Mayflower bath, Peachblow lavatory
Wood is so good to live with
Kitchen by George Cooper Rudolph
Kitchen by John and Earline Brice
The Bedroom: 1955
Model Kitchen, 1957
Model Kitchen in Aqua, 1957
Frigidaire Kitchen of the Future
The essence of 1957. Wow.
Living room, 1952, Marvin Culbreth
Your Dream Kitchen, 1949
"TV Party" by Douglass Crockwell
Check out my new drawers!
Made entirely of plastic
The plastic breakfast nook
Sunroom, George Cooper Rudolph
Executive Suite, 1957
The modern bank, 1961
Oven lovin'
Heywood-Wakefield, 1950
Basement rec room, 1956
Edward Wormley for Dunbar
Cushionized Kroehler, 1946
In the kitchen, 1959
Loomed for lots of living