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Tent House by Dave Chapman
Kuehne-Khrome dinette, 1952
Hi-Fi evening, 1956
Coloramic Daystromite, 1953
Make it a Weirton Kitchen
Evening at home, 1951
Weekend in the Ski Country
Out in San Francisco
A boy and his ducky, 1960
RCA Whirlpool, 1959
Refrigeraider, 1959
Bathroom by Crane
American-Standard, 1960
The new house, 1959
Dad does laundry
Mom does laundry
Tappan Fabulous 400
Bathing beauty
The Excelon Kitchen, 1956
The Motorolans, 1961
Marvelous night for a moondance
Kitchen Ideas for 1961
Kitchen ideas for 1960
More kitchen ideas
Idees pour la cuisine
Patio television, 1956
Design No. 7601
Crane Diana Lavatory, 1950
Kohler of Kohler, 1950
Bathing beauties, 1950
Eljer, 1949
Crane Criterion, 1950
Knotty but nice
Motorola Dream House
Kohler baths and kitchens, 1947
The Kohler bathroom, 1947
Mutschler Kitchens, 1961
Suburban Built-In Ranges, 1960